
Only One Savior, Jesus Christ of Nazareth

Some of the trials and tests that the Lord allows in our life are teach us to only seek His Divine approval and not man’s or woman’s. He also wants to break us from self-reliance, works and dependence on people.

The people-pleasing spirit in us needs to be crucified once and for all on the Cross so that we can allow His grace to do what Jesus died to do, to transform us from our filthy rags into His righteousness! Glory to God! He wants to pour His love into us so that we can begin to see everything good that we NOW are and not because of what we do but because of what Jesus did!

We really need to know the truth about our new God-given identity purchased with the blood of Jesus, who was and is Holy and Perfect! His righteousness is NOW ours if we want it (He will not force Himself upon us) because of the Cross of Calvary and not that we deserve it but because He first loved us! Hallelujah! Happy Dance and time to rejoice with Christ for His unmerited favor.

Oh, we have so much to celebrate and we really need to stop enabling those that seek a Savior in us also, for Our God is a Jealous God and He will not share our affections with another!!

There is Only room for One Savior in our life, and that is Jesus Christ of Nazareth! If we elevate people and their opinions above the truth of God, we will not be able to serve both God and them! Let us kick out everything and anything that is attempting to steal His Glory! Now is a great time to start Exalting our One True God! He is Worthy of our Honor and Praise! So Praise Him with everything in you, beloved ones!

Manifesting His Glory!

Are none-believers of Jesus Christ able to recognize and see His Light and love shinning through us consistently and unconditionally or have they confused our identity with those of the world? Has the pattern of the world blended with our faith so much that His righteousness is not being seen by those looking for hope in the complexity of worldly living? Are we trapped in “mistaken identity”??? Let today be a day of new change and transformation. Seek the Lord and seek His understanding when you read His Word!

If we knew who we actually are in Christ and because of the finished work of the Cross of Calvary, we would manifest His righteousness filled with love and grace and mercy to everyone we know. There would be no confusion or doubt as to our God-given identity! We would know who we NOW are in Christ and therefore our behavior and our words will reflect this unto those that know us ( family and friends) and unto to those that have not met us before! (people on FB and those in the world).

Beloved Ones, let us walk as the sons and daughters of Jehovah God manifesting His righteousness, His Grace and His Glory wherever we go and especially when we are out in the world! Let us Glorify our Heavenly Father by expanding His Kingdom here on Earth and bringing hope and love to many living in despair and defeat! Jesus is hope, love, and life! We are carriers of His Light and Glory! Hallelujah!

1 Peter 2:9 “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:”