Entries by Angie Rupe

You Are My Peace

Dear Sweet and Loving God,  thank you for Your Goodness in my life.  It is such a privilege to be called one of Your Beloved Ones!  I yearn for You and to be in Your Holy presence where I always  find the peace and refreshment that my soul longs for when I am alone with […]

Listen To God’s Whisper

“God’s hand is gently moving through all of our lives. He works to steer us in certain directions and to bring others into our lives for reasons we might not yet understand. Have you ever felt a gentle push within your heart and your soul? Have you pulled back from it or did you go […]

God Wants You To Come To Him Just As You Are!

Many people are afraid to get near God because they have a wrong assumption about Who God is.  They feel that God will not love and accept them as they are (with all their excess luggage and all their hidden sinful secrets).  This is lie that comes from the shame and guilt from their very own sins.  This of […]